Both teeth whitening with PHILIPS ZOOM and quick teeth whitening or EXPRESS are professional dental aesthetic treatments that must be performed by dental professionals in a dental clinic. In Ilzarbe Clinic depending on your needs we will advise you about the treatment that best suits you. We explain here the differences between the two procedures.
FAST OR EXPRESS whitening is used for occasions of special urgency (wedding, communion, company meeting…). We will perform an oral hygiene prior to the treatment to clean the entire surface of the teeth of any debris. This process does not require a previous desensitizing treatment or gum protection during the treatment, since the concentration of carbamide peroxide used at 16% does not cause sensitivity. The treatment in the clinic takes about 10 minutes, the carbamide peroxide gel is activated by a cold light (blue). With this QUICK OR EXPRESS whitening we can only lower the initial color of the tooth by a couple of shades. The whitening effect lasts about 2 or 3 months and can be repeated up to 4 times a year.
Whitening with PHILIPS ZOOM is a more complex treatment than express or fast whitening. As with EXPRESS whitening, we will give the patient an oral hygiene and in the same session we will take some measurements to make some splints adapted to the patient, which we will deliver together with a desensitizing gel. This action will be prior to the treatment in the clinic, we will prepare the tooth so that the patient has hardly any discomfort of sensitivity during the process. The treatment in the clinic lasts approximately 1 hour, divided into 4 cycles of 15 minutes each and different intensities. It is activated with cold light (blue). We use 25% hydrogen peroxide. The results are much more visible since we manage to lower up to 8 or 10 tones of the initial color of the tooth. During the process a small sensitivity is generated that will disappear in a maximum of 24 hours, always depending on the sensitivity of each patient. Once this session is finished, we will give the patient maintenance gel and the splints that we have previously made for the outpatient treatment that the patient will have to carry out at home one week after the treatment in the clinic, for only 3 days in a row. With this we will obtain longer lasting results. This whitening has a durability of between 2 and 3 years, although to extend it is recommended to do maintenance at least once a year. Always depending on the case of each patient, this maintenance is done by the patient at home, so you should keep the splints that were given to you in the clinic. If you are interested in our Teeth Whitening treatment, contact us!
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