There are more and more studies that relate oral health with sports performance. In addition, the bite affects the athlete, so at Ilzarbe Clinic we want to talk about the relationship between sport and orthodontics.
Oral health and sport: sports performance
This is not surprising since, as is well known, bacteria in the mouth involved in oral infections can pass into the bloodstream and negatively influence other areas of the body.
Consequences of oral infections in sportsmen and women
For this reason, many coaches of high-performance athletes closely monitor the oral health of their athletes, with the goal of detecting any oral infections that may have an impact on their performance:
- Joint pain
- Muscle fatigue
- Tendon injuries
- Late recovery
- A long etcetera that is gaining scientific evidence.
Another aspect that should be checked in any patient, but of course also in athletes, is the occlusion or bite, since chewing incorrectly is often related to muscular pain in the neck and back.
Orthodontics and sport: a solution to improve athletic performance
If this last aspect is your case and you need to improve your bite, you may need to wear braces. If you are worried about having to wear braces and that this will be an inconvenience for your training, we inform you a little of what options are available and which would be the most advisable:
- Orthodontics with brackets: For athletes at risk of falls or contact sports, this would not be the best option. The brackets are in contact with the cheeks and lips, therefore, in case of any impact, these tissues could be damaged. In patients who wear them and practice a sport of this type, mouthguards are recommended during practice.
- Orthodontics with invisible aligners: This is the most suitable option because, in addition to not wearing any metal element that could damage the cheeks or lips, while wearing them you are protecting the teeth from possible impact and excessive force(bruxism) that many athletes do when they train. For this reason, our recommendation is that you wear them whenever you practice sports.
If you practice sports and are going to wear orthodontics, don’t forget to tell your orthodontist about it so they can recommend the best option for you:
If you need an orthodontic treatment to improve your sports performance in Valencia… ¡Get in touch with us!
Pediatric Dentist in Ilzarbe Clinic
Illustrious Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists of Valencia: N.Col. 46004159