Is Invisalign a good option for children and adolescents?
Definitely Yes!
Orthodontics with Invisalign consists of a series of aligners that are changed approximately every week or every ten days and that incorporate successive movements in the teeth and also in children and adolescents allows us to introduce modifications in the growth at the bone level, this allows us to address two problems at the same time.
At what age can my child wear Invisalign Orthodontics?
From approximately 6 years of age, because at this age is when the first permanent molars and incisors erupt, which are usually the teeth we rely on the most to perform orthodontic treatment. Orthodontics. .
What advantages can Invisalign offer over a conventional interceptive orthodontic appliance?
One of these advantages is that when we put orthodontics in children it is very common for a tooth to fall out in the middle of the treatment. With Invisalign, there is no problem, because we can order new aligners that will adjust perfectly to our child’s mouth. On the other hand, they are also prepared to have eruption compensators that anticipate the size of the tooth and allow us to make a gap as the tooth erupts, which is much more complicated with an Interceptive Orthodontic appliance.
What if a device is lost?
Another advantage is that many parents ask us what happens if you lose the device? With Invisalign Invisalign orthodontics the problem is less, because the aligners will be changed every week or approximately every ten days, so if you lose it, you can put the next aligner. With an Interceptive Orthodontic appliance, we are in a bigger problem because we only have one appliance, so we would have to order a new appliance.
What are the other advantages of Invisalign Invisible Orthodontic treatment?
Another great advantage is that the aligners fit perfectly to the surface of the tooth and are not as bulky as Interceptive Orthodontics, so they reduce the risk of canker sores and are much more comfortable.
What do Invisalign aligners look like?
The clear aligners are very discreet and are hardly perceived visually, this motivates their use in children. Do you want Invisalign invisible orthodontics for your children? Call us to make an appointment with us.We are waiting for you!
Dr. Elena Lorenzo