Dental fissure has become one of the most common reasons for consultation in recent years. It can be annoying and very painful and a wrong diagnosis or treatment of this problem can have serious consequences on the health of your mouth. That is why an early diagnosis can help us detect and treat it in time.
What is dental fissure and what population does it affect?
It could be defined as a small crack in the enamel that can generate disorders ranging from increased tooth sensitivity to even tooth loss due to fracture. It affects 40% of the population and equally men and women, with the most critical age group being between 30 and 60 years of age.
What are its symptoms?
Symptoms vary according to the degree, depth and size of the fissure as well as our response to its appearance. Signs and symptoms may vary from patient to patient, ranging from increased tooth sensitivity after exposure to cold or heat, gum pain, pressure release during chewing or even cramps.
Types of dental fissures
These lesions can be classified in various ways. The most common is according to the amount of tissue involved, and it is possible to affect only the crown of the tooth, the root or both parts. The shape of the fissure is also usually important when making the etiological diagnosis and for the approach to treatment, being classified as vertical, oblique or horizontal. Traumatic occlusion, enamel wear, bruxism and bruxism or poor repair techniques by an unqualified specialist are usually the most common causes of these lesions. The most affected teeth are usually the lower first molars followed by the upper premolars .
Main treatment of dental fissure
As in other oral pathologies, early diagnosis is both important and essential. The longer it takes to find the reason for the fissure, the greater the damage and, therefore, the lower the chances of restoration. Even so, we must be optimistic. In the case of small-moderate fissures, filling and fixation with biosynthetic cements is usually sufficient, while in more severe cases periodontal surgery is the treatment of choice. The replacement of the complete crown or the realization of an endodontics are the most common procedures. In any case, the best prevention is to visit the dentist at least once a year for a regular check-up of our oral health. Therefore, to treat dental fissure or other dental problems correctly, you must have professionals with extensive experience and prestige as those who make up our multidisciplinary team in Ilzarbe Clinic. Don’t hesitate any longer and call us to make an appointment with us.We are waiting for you!