At this time of the year, with the arrival of autumn, defenses are lowered and oral health also suffers.
With our patients in mind, Clínica Ilzarbe has prepared a list of 5 typical autumn products whose consumption contributes to maintaining proper oral health.
Nuts such as walnuts, chestnuts… are rich in fiber, vitamin E, phosphorus, essential to strengthen teeth and bones, and are not high in calories.
They are one of the most typical autumn foods, rich in fiber, antioxidants, folic acid and rich in B vitamins, thus contributing to cell growth and regulating metabolism.
Pumpkins are high in vitamin C, contributing to the healing and health of our gums.
It is a food rich in antioxidants and fiber, having a high citric acid helps to enhance the function of vitamin C, being beneficial to our overall health and our gums, also fighting dental plaque.
Both red and green grapes are very beneficial for our health, green grapes have less sugar than red ones, but both varieties help us, believe it or not, to reduce the risk of tooth decay. With a good diet adapted to each season of the year, maintaining a correct oral hygiene and going to the check-ups scheduled by your dentist, you will be able to have a correct oral health. Take advantage of the foods that autumn offers us to take care of your oral health through them.