Why is it important to pay attention to the oral condition of pregnant women?
Dental care for pregnant women requires special care, since pregnancy involves many physiological changes that could have consequences on oral health, so the application of preventive dentistry is very important.
To avoid complications, a pregestational consultation is recommended to treat existing pathologies and to start the pregnancy with optimal oral health.
What alterations can we find during pregnancy?
Teeth, oral mucosa and supporting tissues may be affected by the changes induced during pregnancy.
About 80% of pregnant women experience vomiting and nausea, especially in the first trimester, which can lead to significant erosion of tooth enamel, most commonly affecting the front teeth.
The decrease in the amount of saliva, technically known as xerostomia, is another common pathology, and is mainly due to the hormonal changes that occur. The alteration of this salivary composition together with changes in the oral flora would favor the appearance of caries.
In the second trimester, we frequently find pregnancy or gravid gingivitis, related to poor oral hygiene and accumulation of bacterial plaque, diet, immune response and hormonal and vascular alterations that provoke an exaggerated inflammatory response.
This excessive inflammation, together with other hormonal factors, such as the production of relaxin that would produce a subtle mobility of the teeth, could lead to the appearance of periodontal disease. periodontal diseaseAlthough it is rare to observe severe cases of bone loss and tooth mobility.
How can we prevent the appearance of these alterations?
The most important goal in the pregnant woman is the establishment of a healthy oral environment.
And this is obtained with self-care to control the deposit of bacterial plaque such as:
- Correct brushing technique.
- Use of accessory methods such as interdental brushes or dental floss.
- Application of remineralizing fluoride varnishes and other antiseptic agents.
Maintaining an adequate diet is essential. It is necessary to avoid refined sugars and, as far as possible, to limit snacking between meals, except for fruit, vegetables, yogurt and cheese in small quantities, as this reduces the onset of nausea and vomiting.
In case of vomiting, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with a solution containing sodium bicarbonate to counteract the acids.
What dental treatments can be performed during pregnancy?
During the first trimester it is not recommended to carry out dental procedures in this period of time, due to the risks and the possibility of alterations in the fetus.
Preventive measures and consolidation of good oral health habits and control of bacterial plaque will be prescribed, and dental treatment will be limited to prophylaxis, except for the need for emergency treatment where we will avoid as far as possible the performance of radiographs, which if needed will be performed with maximum protection using plumbed structures from the thyroid to the knee.
For the second and third trimester the risk to the fetus is lower so we can perform dental treatments such as scaling and root planing and treatment of active oral pathologies, maintaining preventive measures at all times and avoiding strictly unnecessary X-rays.
By the way, the popular saying “every child cost me a tooth” is not true. Contrary to popular belief, the baby does not get calcium from its mother’s teeth. When the baby needs calcium, it gets it from the diet or from the mother’s bones, ¡¡¡¡ but never from her teeth!!!!.
If you want to take care of your dental health during pregnancy, contact us!
Dr. Beatriz Izquierdo