Endodontics, or root canal treatment, as the name implies, is a process in which we treat the root canal system of a tooth, which involves:
- Conform.
- Clean.
- Fill that duct system.
By shaping we refer to the enlargement of the canals, to the physical-mechanical removal of all organic tissues inside the tooth. By cleaning, we mean the implementation of chemical irrigants that achieve a deep and effective cleaning and disinfection of these canals. And finally, filling the empty space, achieving a hermetic seal along the entire length of the canals.
When is it necessary to perform a root canal?
An endodontic treatment is basically necessary in 2 situations:
- When the pulp organ of the tooth is affected, presenting pulpitis or inflammation of the nerve, or by necrosis or infection. These situations can be caused by deep caries, dental trauma or a problem of occlusal wear caused by bruxism.
- When, for prosthetic reasons, a good mechanical retention of a restoration must be achieved, we need to invade the space of the canals, which forces us to remove the entire internal nervous-vascular system of the tooth.
And then, with endodontics, can I keep my tooth or molar?
Today endodontics has been modernized in a very impressive way, both technologically and in the area of materials and cleaning protocols of the canals being very effective, to achieve a success rate of more than 90%. From super flexible nickel-titanium alloy machined file systems, as well as filling systems of thermoplastic materials and bioceramic sealants, achieving that 90% of the treatments are achieved in 1 single appointment and that the patient experience is pleasant, comfortable and completely “PAINLESS“. Are you interested in our endodontic service?
Dr Javier Barrera
Dentist in charge of the Endodontic Area
Illustrious Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists of Valencia: N.Col. 46005040