Doctor Ilzarbe, El Viejo (Valencia, 1955)
Profession, humor and health.
Prologue by Paco Arévalo, comedian
I get my sleep from my profession, thanks to my honest practice of it. It is a serious matter that needs the support of humor.
If society leads us to neuroticism, let’s look for balance. If you want to get a tan, look for the sun; if you want to be healthy, practice sports… if you want to be in a good mood, look for a smile in everyday life.
As we get older we lose our physiological strength. It is lawful to help ourselves with nature and science by ingesting as much good as we have within reach. Christ recommended wine and we doctors recommend it. At sixty-something, which I am, red wine in moderation is a good complement. What my body does not give me, I take from outside. Hence my idea of the title: SESENTAYTINTOS. Wine at a certain age is the best preservative for the health of body and soul.
This is a doctor speaking: Read about matters of mood, if possible in front of a fireplace lit with a noble wood fire, drinking a glass of red wine and in pleasant company. The best for the health of life and death. We are born to die. And if we must die, let it be with pleasure.
I accompany these disquisitions with anecdotes and developments of life and profession that have helped me greatly to maintain my psychological structure on its waters. If they are of any use to you, it will be my best compensation. Pax vobis