Are you one of those who don’t like winter like me? Have you had to take out your warm clothes from one day to the next? Have you noticed that the trees are now less leafy and their leaves cover our streets? No doubt about it, the cold, wind and rain are here to stay. But, as the saying goes, “good weather, good face”, or rather, a good smile, and we want to continue to take care of yours, so take note of this season’s tips.
- Did you skip the summer tips? Did you find the back-to-school period too steep? If you couldn’t come to meet us for a check-up, or to follow up on a treatment you have started, don’t wait any longer, because the January slope is expected to be complicated and New Year’s resolutions are rarely fulfilled. Now is an ideal time, come and let us take care of you!
- Mmmm how cold, how much I feel like a glass of hot milk, how about you? But be careful! The ingestion of very hot drinks such as teas, coffees, infusions, etc., as well as very cold foods, can weaken your teeth, since the sudden change in temperature can cause tooth sensitivity. I only risk it for a nice cup of hot chocolate!
- If your teeth also get stuck when the wind blows a little, it is likely to be a consequence of sensitivity, a problem that is accentuated when the cold weather hits, so nothing better than covering your mouth with a scarf, to avoid air in your teeth, which will also protect your lips from dryness and prevent you from catching a cold!
In addition, the continued use of toothpastes and gels recommended to reduce the discomfort caused by sensitivity, as we have already recommended, should also be maintained during these dates.
- If you are one of those who intend to dazzle with your smile at dinners with family and friends thanks to a whitening treatment, you should keep in mind that in order to maintain the result obtained, you should moderate or even totally restrict the consumption of chromatic foods during the first days. Sshhhh, a trick, the best thing to do is to proclaim yourself in charge of the selection of menus for Christmas lunches and dinners, so you don’t fail!
- Do you have a prosthetic treatment pending? Do you have to rescue a weak tooth? The best thing to do is to do it as soon as possible, the days go by at lightning speed, and most treatments require several sessions. There are “big meals” coming up and we, like you, want you to not worry, not to be afraid of the hard nougat from Jijona.
- And another piece of advice, to my dear orthodontic patients. Don’t be shy, transparent and gray rubber bands are very boring. Add a little color to this cold winter and dare to use color in your smile. I recommend the latest trend, marsala and burgundy, what to the untrained eye passes for maroon!
- And the last tip, laugh until it hurts with family and friends, dance until the soles of your shoes wear out, and a toast to all the good things we have. I love to see you smile!
Author: Dr. Beatriz Izquierdo – Orthodontist – Col. nº 46003509