In summer the physical activity of children reaches its peak: bicycles, swimming pools, roller skates… and with this, unfortunately, the probability of suffering an accident or impact to the mouth causing dental trauma in children also increases. So much so that the College of Dentists of Valencia estimates that, in the summer period, dental traumatisms increase by 30%. For this reason, from the Ilzarbe Clinic we want to give you a few recommendations that we hope you will not have to put into practice!
Recommendations for trauma to baby teeth
- Even if the trauma is to a temporary tooth, it is still important to see a dentist. Sometimes, even if the crown looks good, the root may be damaged.
- The root of the primary teeth is very close to the permanent teeth and due to the impact, the permanent tooth could be damaged, for this reason it is important that there is a good follow-up of the trauma.
- When a tooth fragment breaks, it is very important to assess whether the nerve has been exposed or not, so it is essential to check it as soon as possible to avoid infections and sensitivity.
- In case the baby tooth is avulsed (comes out completely) it should never be repositioned as we could damage the permanent tooth!
- It is common for children to hit their mouths and forget to tell their parents. If you notice that a baby tooth darkens or changes color it may be the result of some dental trauma that took place many months before, so it is advisable to visit the dentist.
Recommendations for dental trauma to permanent teeth
- In these cases time is of the utmost importance for the prognosis of the tooth. The ideal is to treat any trauma within the first hour after the blow.
- If the tooth has been avulsed (has come out whole) it should be picked up by the crown without touching the root and washed gently with physiological solution or bottled milk without rubbing it. Try to place the tooth in the bone and go immediately to the dentist. If it is not possible to place the tooth in the socket, take it in cold milk or serum, but never dry.
- If no saline or milk is available, keep the tooth inside the patient’s mouth, between the cheek and the molars.
- If only a piece of the tooth has been fractured, it is convenient to keep the fragment in case it can be used, also preserving it in milk or serum.
The Ilzarbe team team wishes you a happy summer full of rest, enjoyment and activities, but always with caution!
Dr. Elena Lorenzo